blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit

blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit
By Alison Hobbs, blending a mixture of thoughts and experiences for friends, relations and kindred spirits.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creative construction

Written last Wednesday evening at the "Booking / Weather Station" in the Flying Club's temporary premises, outside "Briefing Room #1"...

The temporary clubhouse used to be offices at a hospital before it was transported to Rockcliffe airport in four pieces, then stuck back together, as it were. The doctors' name plaques have now been replaced by more suitable designations. Although the cardboard boxes have been tidied away, there's still a heap of fibreglass insulation and copper pipes lying around in the corridor and pictures are leaning against the walls. In fact it all looks rather similar to my own house at the moment; we're about to undergo a renovation there, as well.

The contractor wants to come and take another look at his construction site, our kitchen, and will arrive "at around 6:37 p.m." tomorrow, he says. Goodness, if he's that precise and disciplined with this schedule it augers well for the care he's going to take with the cupboards. I booked their delivery for the second week of February because other work will have to be done first—reconfiguring the downstairs "powder room" (where Chris is meant to powder his nose?) and reflooring the whole L-shaped area. Not looking forward to its being done, but I am looking forward to its being finished. In the meantime everything movable has to be stowed in boxes in our living room and I shall plug my ears against the sawing, drilling and hammering and get out of the way, to commune with my computer or take long walks in the fresh air. Very fresh, in fact, with a windchill of minus 33.

I'm glad to report that I finished work on Crosswinds today, the 20 page winter issue of Rockcliffe Flying Club's newsletter for which I'm chief editor. You can download and have a read of it if you click here.

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